
Files are content created by external programs and imported for use into Cascade such as images or documents. The process of uploading files into Cascade is the same regardless of file type. We recommend uploading images into Cascade before using them on your site. 

Files are content created by external programs and imported for use into Cascade such as images or documents. The process of uploading files into Cascade is the same regardless of file type. We recommend uploading images into Cascade before using them on your site. 

File Extensions

Screenshot of file extension

Files uploaded into Cascade must have a file extension in order for Cascade to display the correct file type. When you choose a file to upload, the file extension will automatically be appended.

Note: Be sure to apply the appropriate file extension if renaming a file.

Upload Files

  1. Select the folder in the Asset Tree where the file(s) will be uploaded (we recommend an images folder or a documents folder).
  2. Click Add Content > File in the Top Menu bar.
  3. Navigate to the the dotted Drop a file here or choose one from your computer section.
    1. Drag and drop one or more files into the dotted box.
    2. Or click choose and browse to the files on your computer. Multiple files can be selected by holding the control key and clicking on the files. 
  4. The File Name will be inherited from the original file on your computer. Ensure that the file name has the right file extension (see above).
  5. Save and submit content.